Phone number +352691387092
Company name Kovács Viktor

Privacy Policy

Date of acceptance: 2023-11-15

Data Controller

Name: Kovács Viktor

Registered seat: 1125 Budapest, Tarpatak utca 9.

Mailing address, complaint management: 1125 Budapest, Tarpatak utca 9.


Phone number: +352691387092


Hosting service provider

Name: Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL

Mailing address: Avenue John F. Kennedy 38 1855, Luxembourg


Phone number:

Description of the data processing activities carried out in the course of the operation of the webshop

This document contains all relevant data processing information regarding the operation of the webshop in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) of the European Union (hereinafter: Regulation or GDPR) and Act CXII of 2011 (hereinafter: Privacy Act).

Information on the use of cookies

What is a cookie?

Upon visiting the website, the Data Controller uses cookies. A cookie is an information package consisting of letters and numbers sent to your browser by our website with the purpose of saving certain settings, facilitate the use of our website and help us collect relevant, statistical information of our visitors

Some cookies do not contain personal information and are not suitable for identifying individual users, but some cookies contain a unique identifier, that is, a secret number sequence generated randomly, which will be stored by your device and therefore will ensure your identification. The operational duration of each cookie is included in the relevant description.

Legal background and legal grounds of cookies:

The legal basis of processing is your consent pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) of the Regulation.

Main characteristics of the cookies used by the website:

Cookies strictly necessary for operation:

These cookies are essential for the use of the website and enable the use of the basic functions of the site. In the lack of these cookies several functions of the website will not be available to you. The lifetime of these cookies is limited exclusively to the duration of the session.

Cookies for improving user experience:

These cookies collect information of the way the user uses the website, for example which pages does the user visit most frequently or what error messages do they receive from the website. These cookies do not collect information identifying the visitor, that is, they work with completely general, anonymous information. They use the data extracted from such information to improve the performance of the website. The lifetime of these cookies is limited exclusively to the duration of the session.

Session cookies:

These cookies store the location of the user, the language of the browser, and the currency of the payment. Their lifetime lasts until the browser is closed or 2 hours at maximum.

Cookie acceptance cookies:

Upon arrival to the site, you accept the statement on the storage of cookies in the appropriate window. Their lifetime is 365 days.


Consent to the use of cookies. Their lifetime is 1 week

If you do not accept the use of cookies, certain functions will not be available to you. You can find further information about deleting cookies at the following links:

Data processed for the purpose of concluding and performing the contract

In order to conclude and performing the contract, several cases of data processing may occur. We hereby inform you that data processing related to complaint management and administration related to guarantee rights will only be carried if you exercise one of the said rights.

If you do not purchase via the webshop but arrive only as a visitor, then the provisions on data processing for marketing purposes may apply to you if you give consent to us for marketing purposes.

Data processing activities for the purpose of concluding and performing the contract in detail are:

Registration on the website

By storing the data provided upon registration, the Data Controller can provide more convenient service (e.g., the data subject will not have to provide their data each time they shop on the site). A regisztráció a szerződéskötésnek nem feltétele

Data processed

The goal of the registration we handle your name and email address.

Period of the data processing

Until the withdraw of the consent.

Legal basis for the data processing

Your voluntary consent given to the Data Controller by the registration. [Data processing pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) of the Regulation]

Recipients and data processors for delivery of goods

Name of recipient:

Registered seat of recipient:

Phone number of recipient:

E-mail address of recipient:

Website of recipient:

The courier service participates in delivering the ordered product based on its contract concluded with the Data Controller. The courier service processes the data provided to it in accordance with the privacy policy available on its website.

Data handling connection to the service

We handle your data when you use our training partner searching solution.

The goal of this data handling is that you will be able to use properly the functions of the service.

Data processed

We need your birth date to provide age filtering in the service.

We need information about your gender to provide filtering by gender.

When the application recommends a training partner to the user, then the application takes into consideration the sports that the users liked before. We need the information about liked sports to provide this function.

We handle your introduction, your photo and your geolocation information to support the choosing a training partner.

You can send massage to another user on the Website. We handle your messages to provide this function.

If you make a personal event or someone invited you to a personal event, we handle the data about the event.

You can make personal club on the Website and we handle the data of the club (for example: who is the organizer of the club, list of the members, list of the events) to provide this function.

We store the information about signed and rejected training partners.

You can take post in your clubs, and we handle the information about the posts (content of the post, publisher name, reactions).

Period of the data processing

We will handle the data until you delete your registration.

Legal basis for the data processing

The legal basis of the data handling is to perform our service. (Data processing pursuant to Article 6(1)(b) of the Regulation)

Additional data processing activities

If the Data Controller intents to carry out any further data processing activities, it will provide prior information on the actual circumstances of the data processing (legal background and legal basis of the data processing, the scope of the processed data, the period of the data processing).

Recipients of personal data

Activities of data processors for storing personal data

Name of the data processor:

Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL

Contact details of the data processor:

Avenue John F. Kennedy 38 1855, Luxembourg

E-mail of the data processor:

Website of the data processor:

The Data Processor carries out personal data storage on the basis of a contract concluded with the Data Controller.

The Data Processor is not entitled to access the personal data.

Activities of data processors related to sending newsletters

Name of the company operating the newsletter system:

Registered seat of the company operating the newsletter system:

Phone number of the company operating the newsletter system:

E-mail address of the company operating the newsletter system:

Website of the company operating the newsletter system:

The Data Processor participates in sending the newsletters under a contract concluded with the Data Controller. In the course of that participation, the Data Processor processes the data subject’s name and address, to the extent necessary for sending newsletters.

Activities of data processors related to IT support

Name of the company:

IT Squad Bt

Registered seat of the company:

1068 Budapest, Király utca 102. 1. em. 6

E-mail address of the company:

Phnone number of the company:


Your rights in the course of the data processing

Within the period of data processing, you are entitled to the following rights pursuant to the provisions of the Regulation:

If you wish to exercise your rights, it will involve your identification, and the Data Controller must necessarily communicate with you. Therefore, for the purpose of identification, it will be necessary to provide personal data (but only your data already processed by the Data Controller can serve as the basis of identification), and your complaints as regards data processing will be available in your email account within the period specified in this Privacy Notice regarding complaints. If you have been our customer and you wish to identify yourself for the purpose of complaint handling or guarantee management process, please enter your order ID as well for identification. That way we can identify you as our customer.

The Data Controller will respond to complaints as regards data processing within 30 days at the latest.

Right to withdraw consent

You have the right to withdraw your consent to data processing at any time, in which case the data provided will be erased from our system. However, please note that in the case of an order that has not yet been fulfilled, the withdrawal of consent may result in us not being able to complete the delivery of your order. In addition, if the purchase has already been completed, based on the accounting regulations, we cannot erase the date related to invoicing from our systems, and if there is any remainder amount unpaid by you to us, we can process your data even in the event of the withdrawal of your consent based on the legitimate interest in debt collection.

Access to personal data

You have the right to obtain from the Data Controller confirmation as to whether your personal data are being processed, and where that is the case, you have the right to:

The purpose of exercising these rights may be aimed at establishing and verifying the lawfulness of data processing, therefore, in case of multiple requests for information, the Data Controller may charge a fair fee in exchange for providing the information.

Access to personal data is ensured by the Data Controller by sending you the processed personal data and information by email after your identification. If you have registered, we provide access so that you can view and check your personal data by logging into your user account.

Please indicate in your request that you ask for access to personal data or information on data processing.

Right to rectification

You have the right to obtain from the Data Controller without delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you.

Right to the restriction of data processing

You have the right to obtain from the controller restriction of processing where one of the following applies:

Where processing has been restricted, such personal data shall, with the exception of storage, only be processed with your consent or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of important public interest of the Union or of a Member State.

You will be informed by the Data Controller before the restriction of processing is lifted (at least 3 business days before the restriction is lifted).

Right to erasure - right to be forgotten

You have the right to obtain from the Data Controller the erasure of personal data concerning you without undue delay where one of the following grounds applies:

Where the Data Controller, based on any lawful ground, has made the personal data public and is obliged to erase the personal data due to any of the above grounds, the controller, taking account of available technology and the cost of implementation, shall take reasonable steps, including technical measures, to inform other data controllers which are processing the personal data that you have requested the erasure by such controllers of any links to, or copy or replication of, those personal data.

The erasure shall not apply to the extent that processing is necessary:

Right to object

You have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to processing of personal data concerning you which is based on legitimate interests. In such case, the Data Controller shall no longer process the personal data unless the Data Controller demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

Where personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning you for such marketing, which includes profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing. Where you object to processing for direct marketing purposes, the personal data shall no longer be processed for such purposes.

Right to data portability

If the data processing is carried out in an automated way or if the data management is based on your voluntary consent, you have the right to ask the Data Controller for the data you provided to the Data Controller, which the Data Controller will send in xml, JSON or csv format at your disposal, and, if this is technically feasible, you can request that the Data Controller forward the data in this form to another data controller.

Automated decision-making

You have the right not to be subject to a decision which is based solely on automated processing (including profilin) and which produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you. In these cases, the Data Controller shall implement suitable measures to safeguard the data subject's rights and freedoms and legitimate interests, at least the right to obtain human intervention on the part of the controller, to express their point of view and to contest the decision.

The above shall not apply if the decision:

Reporting to the Data Protection Registration System

Pursuant to the Privacy Act, the Data Controller must report its certain data processing activities to the data protection registration system. This reporting obligation was terminated on 25 May 2018.

Data security measures

The Data Controller declares that it has taken appropriate security measures in order to protect personal data against unauthorized access, alteration, transmission, disclosure, deletion or destruction, as well as against accidental destruction and damage, as well as against becoming inaccessible due to changes in the technology used.

The Data Controller will do everything within its organizational and technical capabilities to ensure that its Data Processors also take appropriate data security measures when working with your personal data.


If, in your opinion, the Data Controller has violated a legal provision relating to data processing or has not fulfilled any of your requests, then in order to terminate alleged unlawful data processing, you can initiate the investigative procedure of the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (mailing address: H-1363 Budapest, Pf. 9., e-mail:, phone numbers: +36 (30) 683-5969 +36 (30) 549-6838; +36 (1) 391 1400).

We would also like to inform you that in the event of a violation of the legal provisions on data processing, or if the Data Controller has not fulfilled any of your requests, you may file a civil lawsuit against the Data Controller in court.

Amendment of the Privacy Policy

The Data Controller reserves the right to modify this data management information in a way that does not affect the purpose and legal basis of data processing. By using the website after the amendment enters into force, you accept the amended Privacy Notice.

If the Data Controller wishes to carry out further data processing in relation to the collected data for a purpose other than that of their collection, it will inform you, before commencing any further data processing, of the purpose of the data processing and the information on the following:

The data processing may only be commenced thereafter, and, in the case of data processing on the grounds of consent, your consent will also be required to the data processing in addition to the provision of the above information.